The Eight Classes of Hailpath

Hello everyone! Welcome back to JEIA.CORP news and announcements! Today we will be going over the eight classes of Hailpath and who the candidates are for them. Let's take a look!

King/Queen: Weapon: Broadsword (Solar)/Lance(Hail Storm). Highest starting base stats of all classes. Candidates: King: Solar. Queen: Hail Storm

Prince: Weapon: Sword+Magic. Average stats. Candidates: Nobody/Asch 

Warrior: Weapon: Battle Axe+Mace. High Attack and Defense but low speed and no magic.
Candidates: MonkaS/Smokey

Jester: Weapon: Dagger+Magic. Lower than average stats but has highest magic level in the game.
Candidates: Frisk/Temmie

OWO Mage/UWU Mage: Weapon: Magic. Higher than average magic and high defense. Also has the most technical moves. Candidates: Cosmic Cincchuno (OwO Mage)/Laikyn (UwU Mage)

Ninja: Weapon: Knife and Shurikens. High speed and attack but has lowest defense in the game. Also has some technical moves. Candidates: KSP/Cosmic Cincchuno

Summoner: Weapon: Summoner Staff. Has the most balanced stats and relies on beasts that he summons to help fight. Candidates: Sleepy Sleepy/ Yettibyte

Peasant: Weapon: Pitchfork+Charisma. Has the lowest stats in the game, but has a chance of using it's charisma to affect the battle. (Raise teams stats, lower enemies stats, avoid attacks, end the fight.)
Candidates: Yoshi and GG Gabriel.
